Our Mission

To provide intervention and access programs, completely free and facilitated by current and former Military, Police, Ambulance, Firefighter and the extended Emergency Service Organisations.

Our team remains committed to building professional access opportunities alongside other veteran and first responder organisations and entities.

Who are Frontline Veterans?

Frontline Veterans is a term used to combine ADF Veterans (current and ex-serving) and First Responders (current and former Police, Ambulance, Firefighter and the extended Emergency Service Organisations)

What we do…

We deliver dedicated mental health recovery programs utilising photography…. in the dark.

We are committed to creating an inclusive environment and promoting service values forged through Service to community and country, especially camaraderie.

We pride ourselves on promoting the positive experiences of service and the ability to re-establish a sense of team, trust, respect and loyalty.

Our Goal

Our goal is that no participant is out-of-pocket to undertake any of our supported or provided programs, as out-of-pocket expense to a participant may be a significant barrier to accessing programs and/or activities.

We operate through “in-kind” support, simple contracted service provider agreements and always attempt to minimise our organisational running costs to ensure maximum return on social investment.

Our aim is to provide our Frontline Veterans with the opportunity to find their voice, using photos to tell their story, and create camaraderie outside of service.