Get Involved

Strength in Community


We aim to run 2 Photovoice Psycho-Social recovery programs each year.

Each program costs $2500 per participant and culminates in an Exhibition, with each participant creating their own image for their recovery story.

We have a variety of sponsorship packages available or you can simply click on the Donate button above.

Every dollar counts and we appreciate every dollar!


If you are or someone you know is a Frontline Veteran living with service related mental health issues and would like to participate in our programs, please complete the enquiry form below and we will get in touch.

We aim to provide a safe space for participants to re-connect and build a community of peers using light painting as a medium.


Frontline Veterans exposed to trauma have varying responses to this stress. Unfortunately, sometimes this can result in disconnection from loved ones, substance abuse and an elevated risk for suicide.

If you would like to sponsor, donate, volunteer or participate, please provide your details and we will get in touch.

Thank you for your support.